Email Marketing Campaigns that Convert

Direct email marketing or DEM, refers to strategies and tactics aimed at promoting a product, service, or event through email communication.

Email marketing campaigns have one of the best returns on investment, as they are reasonably inexpensive to design, create and automate. They can also be targeted very precisely to specific lists of potential clients or returning customers.

You have engineered the most cutting-edge, desirable product or service that money can buy, but your promotional codes and newsletters may be sitting in your customer’s spam folder.

It does not have to be that way. There are many reasons why direct email-marketing should not be ignored: it has a high conversion rate, and, if well crafted and responsibly targeted, it can provide value to the reader, establishing your brand's authority.

While email marketing strategy might not seem like too much of a challenge to the uninitiated, those with hand-on experience in this craft know how building a strong customer journey, investing in great copy and visuals, and avoiding blast emails can dramatically change the outcome of any campaign.

Our Approach to Well Designed Campaigns

Database Segmentation and Targeting

Manage your contacts with a rational segmentation of your lists

Content Strategy & Content Creation

Utilize a compelling narrative to capture the target market segment of your choice

Reporting and Data Analysis

Monitor the results of your email campaign, and get useful insights on your customers' responses and behavior

Email Marketing Facts and Figures

4 Billion Daily email users

For every $1 spent Email campaigns ROI

Source: Hubspot

Of marketers have seen an increase in email engagement in 2021

Source: Hubspot

Average email open rate across all industries

Source: Hubspot

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